Providing the highest quality care for every member of your family since 2006
Brand new to Miceli Family Chiropractic…online booking for your Chiropractic Appointments!
Helping families in Calgary, Auburn Bay, Mckenzie and Copperfield through chiropractic.
At Miceli Family Chiropractic we offer much more than Chiropractic care! Our patients come to us for health advice on nutrition, supplements, exercise, labour support, breastfeeding support, and as an overall portal to all their families needs.
Why We Chose Calgary
We have always wanted to create the type of practice where families feel safe, and where they have a resource for all their health care needs that is just a phone call away. We find patients use us for much more than Chiropractic care but for health advice on nutrition, supplements, exercise, labour support, breastfeeding support, and an overall portal to all their family’s needs.
We would love to see people continuing to challenge the traditional medical paradigms and keep asking questions. What was acceptable 15-20 years ago is no longer and our generation will be the one to upset the system enough to stimulate change. We love seeing patients asking questions and challenging the birth processes in our hospitals, the drug ads on TV, the food we eat – you name it!!
Challenge everything, including Chiropractic!! It gives us the chance to explain it and a chance for the patient to truly understand it!
How Can We Help?
What New Patients Wonder
Our most frequently-asked question asked by new patients is “How long is it going to take to get better.” We explain it as a process similar to going to the gym. If you want defined biceps, you can’t train them once and month and then complain that going to the gym doesn’t work! You have to train more frequently to get results and then you can maintain that change by training less frequent. – Same with chiropractic! Adjustments are training your spine!
Our Ideal Patient
The patients that fit best in our practice are the ones who want to take the time to figure out what is going on with their health and those who are interested in how they lost it and what they can do to gain it back. Those who just want a “crack” and then to be on their way usually find our office procedures tedious and frustrating.
Call our Calgary chiropractic office to schedule an appointment today!

We have moved!
We are proud to welcome you to our new and permanent home at - #242 5126 126 Ave SE, Calgary AB T2Z 0H1
Direct Billing
Miceli Family Chiropractic directly bills insurance companies for you when possible. Call (403) 257-9661 for details.
Coverage Options:
Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance
Contactless options availble (Debit/Credit/Cheque)
What People Are Saying
“The result of consistent care during my pregnancy was a healthy, happy mommy and baby! We even get our daughter adjusted she started at 12 days old!”
— Carla & Baby Anna
“Their office is so relaxing and welcoming! Dr. Jana and Dr. Jamie are extremely professional and knowledgeable and have their patient’s best interests truly at heart.
— Amy & Baby Avary
“I drive across the city to visit this clinic. My massage therapist Takashi has been amazing. He has helped me out so much and he is very knowledgeable. I have never had to wait for an appointment, as he is always on time.”
— Merissa