Shock Wave Therapy
A non-surgical chiropractic treatment that utilizes spurts of highly pressured acoustic (sound) waves to deliver a powered force to painful areas on the body. In addition to diminishing chronic pain, this state-of-the-art therapy may also improve the range of motion and decrease muscle tension.
Experience Pain Relief
Highly effective, Shockwave Therapy promotes healing and may provide relief from a variety of painful conditions. These include:
• Achilles tendonitis
• Bursitis
• Fibromyalgia
• Osteoarthritis
• Plantar fasciitis
• Tennis elbow
What Is Shockwave Therapy?
Shockwave is an acoustic (sound) wave that is produced by a hand held device. No shocking or electricity involved! However it does sound like a tiny jackhammer! When sound waves are introduced to unhealthy tissue (tendon, ligament, muscle or bone), it is broken apart and the body starts rebuilding it. Healthy tissue is completely unaffected by these acoustic waves. Areas of pain and dysfunction can be treated specifically with Shockwave and provide pain relief at the same time. Because these sound waves can travel deeper into the tissue than superficial work like massage or Graston, even better results are often seen!!
- Treatment - $75
- New patients for Shockwave only (history, exam and your first treatment included) - $125
- Shockwave and Adjustment – $110
Patient Outcomes
As every person responds differently to treatment, there is no guarantee that shock wave therapy will work for everyone. According to results seen at various chiropractic clinics, shock wave therapy may help up to 90% or more patients experience long-lasting pain relief.
We invite you to learn more about shock wave therapy by contacting our practice today to discover if it’s right for you.

Dr. Jana Miceli & Dr. Jamie Miceli
Calgary, AB Chiropractors | Phone: (403) 257-9661
Helping families in Calgary, Auburn Bay, Mckenzie and Copperfield through chiropractic.