What to Expect
If you’ve ever gone to a social event where you didn’t know anyone, you know how uncomfortable that can make you feel. Our goal is to eliminate every shred of apprehension and make you feel at home.
We want you to feel right at home
Since chiropractic care involves a series of visits, with each one building on the ones before, it’s important that our relationship can go the distance. We’ve found that one of the best ways to have successful patient relationships is to explain everything in advance. No surprises!
The more you understand who we are, what we do and why we do it, the better results you’ll enjoy. It’s as simple as that.
So, check us out here. Poke around. Get to know us. Then, contact us to make an appointment so we can get to know you.

New Patient Forms
We offer our paperwork online so you can complete it at the convenience of your own home.
Select the forms that are applicable to your appointment type (chiropractic or massage).
Click on the link and print out the forms you need. Complete them the best you can – if you don’t know the answer, just leave it blank.
Bring the completed forms to your appointment. If for some reason you have technical difficulties printing out the paperwork – no worries – just come 10 minutes early for your appointment and you can complete the paperwork at the office.
New Patient Forms – Massage
New Patient Pediatric Health Profile

Dr. Jana Miceli & Dr. Jamie Miceli
Calgary, AB Chiropractors | Phone: (403) 257-9661
Helping families in Calgary, Auburn Bay, Mckenzie and Copperfield through chiropractic.